Jacob Saavedra
b. 1993
Graduate of Southwest University of Visual Arts with a Bachelors in Graphic Design and Minor in Painting
Silver ADDY Award Winner 2017

-Brief History-
I was born in New Mexico in 1993 and ever since I was a child I had always shown an interest and skill in art, starting off by drawing the things I saw around me everyday. I came to be known by my friends as a sort of caricature artist back in middle school and would freely draw people I knew or make up various exaggerated characters.
I didn't take my artistic skills seriously until I had been hospitalized in late 2015 due to an auto-immune disorder (Evan's Syndrome) I've been fighting my entire life had put my life at a standstill. As I now had plenty of time and plenty of pent up emotions, I took to my art for the first time in many years and I realized just how much I enjoyed creation and the culture around the art world.
I found out about the Southwest University of Visual Arts from my therapist and decided to pursue it. Originally thinking I was going to go into Illustration, I found myself falling in love with Graphic Design and so majored in that subject and never looked back.
With the help and guidance of my Parents and the incredible school Faculty, I was able to grow my skills and take myself to a level I never thought possible and I am forever grateful.
I look forward to growth and the pursuit of knowledge that awaits me.